Sunday 13 November 2011

Sentimental Value??

Why do we like keep old stuff?? konon-kononnya 1 day we will still need it...For example... our clothes..yg kecik...I mean masa kita slim "skit" dulu... why do we still keep it? I notice we always tell ourselves this three common reasons...
  1. Sentimental Value 
  2. The clothes were expensive and pretty
  3. We hope that we will be able to wear it again 1 day...
Yes it is true.. one day we might be able to wear it again... but think about it... if you keep 10 blouses..and when you have been slightly CHUBBY for the past few years...then one fine day you berjaya membuang all the excess fats in your body...the question now is... 
  1. Would you be wearing all your 10 OLD BLOUSES? or... 
  2. Would you buy NEW BLOUSES with new design and new trend?
    (especially when you want to emphasize on your new body...ahaks!)
Yes we might wanna keep SOME of our OLD clothes.. as a sentimental value... When I say some... it means 1 or 2 shud be enuff.. but not 10 or 20 clothes....cukup la baju yg kita dah ada skrg...nak tambah lg dgn baju yg kita nk simpan everytime we can't wear it....kalau mcm tu... 3 bilik punya almari pun xmuat!!!! heee...  

This is what I have been thinking of... for the past few days... kenapa la bila I keep my things, I still dok jumpa benda2 yg I dah lama xpakai.. and for the record.. I dah buang/give away dah byk dah.. tp dok adaaa lg dalam simpanan... not only clothes.... macam2 lah... I just found the other day that I still have a 2009 CALENDAR!!!! I remember keeping it for the nice quotes that they have in the calendar.... What The Fishhh!!!! Dalam internet ni lagi berlambak...n trust me when I need the quotes, the first thing that I would do is to Google n not to look for the damn calendar!! what a lame excuse I've been telling myself.. hahahahaha...

This is seriously a chronic sickness... I'm inheriting my Mommy's Biarlah Sayang Syndrome... Everytime me or my siblings balik kampung, we like to go through the stuff in our Penang house... MACAM2 we all jumpa... for example when we ask our mom why is she still keeping the broken mug (handle mug tu pecah n she kept it in one of our glass cupboard as a display...but you can see that it is broken...)... guess what her answer was... "Biarlah...Mama Sayang nak buang..." We were like "WHAT???" Then senyap2... when she tak perasan...we just throw it away...(by the way, the mug was a free mug dpt bila beli JACOB ke apa tah...bukan nya special gift from someone...we are not that mean)

Now I have to DETERMINE and start to get rid off all those unused stuff!! This is how...
  1. Start with a SPOT at ANYTIME convenient..
    (Usually we tend to wait for a fix day to do it..which ended up with no time..)
  2. Get 2 Beg Plastik Hitam (Garbage bag yg tebal sikit)... for:
  • Trash:
    Things that is broken & no longer in used
  • Donations:
    Things that is still in good condition but no longer in used, especially duplicate things... (you can even sell it in
Kalau ikut my cousin, benda / baju yg xpakai in 6 months jer bagi org!!! At first it sounded like... amboi kami ni bukan org kaya.... tp come to think about it again... being MALAYSIAN with SALES all the time... we tend to buy NEW THINGS... ALL THE TIME...

So apa tunggu lagi...lets sort things out...CAYOK!!!

Oh sebelum tu...jom layam resipi arini....this is Daddy's Cooking Syndrome... Resepi Belasah jer... hehe (*~_~)

Mee Bandung Gebera Style

1 ketul isi Ayam (dipotong kecil)
6-7 ekor Udang (bersaiz Sederhana)

1 biji Tomato (dibelah 8)
3 sudu besar Sos Cili (LIFE)
1 biji Tauhu (digaul dgn Serbuk Kunyit dan digoreng)
1 ulas Bawang Merah dihiris 

2 Biji Telur 
Lobak Merah/ Kacang Buncis
Garam & Gula secukupnya

Bahan Blend A..
5 biji Cili Kering (potong & direndam dgn air panas dulu)

5 ulas Bawang Merah
3 ulas Bawang Putih

Bahan Blend B..(Kering)
2 sudu ikan bilis
1 sudu udang kering

Cara Penyediaan..

  1. Tumis Bawang Merah (dihiris) sehingga naik bau & nampak brown sedikit..
  2. Masukkan Bahan Blend A dan masak for about 5 minutes..basically for the cili to cook well... (kang sakit pewot laks).. Kalau kering sgt...tambah air..
  3. Once cili dah masak & dah naik minyak, masukkan Bahan Blend B... gaul skejap..
  4. Then masukkan isi Ayam, Udang, Tomato & Air 3 cawan..(ikut suka)..
  5. Biar kuah tu reneh for about 5-7 minutes.. nak bagi stok ayam & udang tu kuar..
  6. Once tomato nampak hancur sikit, masukkan Sos Cili... also garam + gula... Campuran Sos cili dan tomato tadi kena sebati... Biarkan sebati sekejap...(Tambah air jika perlu..)
  7. Then perlahankan api, keluarkan bahan2 (Ayam + Udang) dan simpan dalam pinggan dulu... pecahkan telur dalam mangkuk yang asing (takut ada yg busuk)...masukkan telur satu per satu... perlahan2...supaya kuning telur xpecah... n putih telur xmerebak sgt... then kuatkan api balik...
  8. Once telur dah masak, masukkan balik Ayam & Udang td... (so that the egg wont stick on the  udang n ayam...n it wont look messy)
  9. Masukkan sayur2 yang ada...Carrot or Kacang Buncis or what ever...
  10. Biar reneh for about 1 mins more... and WAALAA its ready!
* My mee halus (xsuka mee kuning), I rebus asing... and Tauhu pun I goreng asing... 
* Shud have put some Tepung Jagung to the kuah too make it slightly thicker... then it would me nicer...
   (As always kepada sesiapa yg nak guna recipe I ni...pepandai la improvise mengikut tekak sendiri...)



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