After watching all the series that I have missed including the one I just downloaded today, I've also watch a very interesting Movie.. I just can't wait to talk about it.. or is it because I love Sarah Jessica reminds me alot about her famous tv series SATC.. I missed that series...they were such a best frenz ups and downs...
Ok ok back to the new movie...
She is a modern working mom with two kids who recently have been given a special project and have to travel frequently... Although she was up-tide with her work schedule and her projects.. but she tried her very best to be there for her family... coz to her..she definitely want to accomplish both work and family.. you can see it when she was sooooo upset that she missed her 2-year-old son's first hair cut... to some people it might just be a "hair cut".. but to her... as what she said, "There will only be ONE FIRST HAIR CUT..."

(Her upset face informing her nanny that next time she must be informed just abt anything)
Later in the evening.. terasa lapo laks.. since tengahari td I makan roti n sardin 2 keping jer... so I decided to cook rice for dinner.. tgk dlm fridge pulak ada ayam jer... hmmm then nampak cili n tomato.. apa lagi....
Ayam Masak Merah Gebera Style
5 ketul Ayam (dipotong kecil)
1 biji Serai (diketuk)
1 biji Tomato (dibelah 8)
1 sudu besar Sos Cili (LIFE)
Sedikit Serbuk Kunyit
Garam & Gula secukupnya
Bahan Blend..
1 ulas Bawang Besar (yg betul2 besar)
1 ulas Bawang Putih
5 biji Cili Merah
Cara Penyediaan..
- Gaulkan Ayam dengan Serbuk Kunyit & Garam and deep fry until half cooked.
- Tumis Bahan Blend, serai and sedikit air.
- Biar masak lama sikit, supaya cili tu betul2 masak.. (kang sakit perut pulak)..kalau kering, tambah air sedikit demi sedikit...
- Once rasa cili dah masak, masukkan tomato and biar sekejap..
- Once tomato nampak hancur sikit, masukkan Sos Cili. Campuran Sos cili dan tomato tadi kena sebati... Biarkan sebati sekejap...
- Then masukkan ayam yang dah digoreng td, and also garam + gula.. Tambah air, bagi tenggelam ayam tu..
- Biar reneh for about 5 mins more...kasi stok ayam tu keluar...(kalau terpedas, tambah gula lebih sikit..kaler dia pun akan jadi merah pekat sikit..) and WAALAA its ready!
It will look nicer with GREEN PEAS... 1/2 tin cukup la.. to give some colors...masukkan dengan ayam...(As always kepada sesiapa yg nak guna recipe I ni...pepandai la improvise mengikut tekak sendiri...)
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