Since morning, I have been enjoying myself with breakfast & movie watching in bed.. I finally have time to watch all the series and movies that had been downloaded for the past few weeks... sbb punya la sibuk sampai xsempat2 nk tgk sblm ni...
Bak kata pepatah, "Sambil menyelam minum air.." so sambil tgk movies, sambil download lagi... as usual every monday I will download DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES (Season 8)
Never had enough of them...walaupun mcm2 hal si housewives ni akan create or go through... But what I ENVY them the most is their FRIENDSHIP... and how they manage to stay together no matter what happen.. (Read more about this Season here..)
As at today, it's already at episode 7... and everytime I watch this series, I will definitely remember Ms SRK (FYI, not Shah Rukh Khan or Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan k!!) OMG, ur name can represent so many things....hehe..
A lil' intro about Ms SRK, a humble wife of a Famous Band Drummer with 4 adorable and brilliant kids.. (2 lovely Gurlz and 2 Charming Boyz..) She loves to eat Secret Recipe and adore White Bags and Shoes...
Back to us..yes, everytime we call each other, I will be updating her with the latest news (or should i say episode) about Desperate Housewives.. and the way we talk about the housewives, sounds more like we were just talking about our next door neighbour... hehehe.. Seriously, we are sooo into it and WE ABSOLUTELY LOVE this series..
Yes I know Ms SRK, I have yet to give you this season's episodes... bagi aku kumpul a few more... kang 1 malam ko dah boleh abiskan episode tu semua...hehehe...
Oh by the way, I more think yg buat I teringat kat dia lately ni was because...I bought a new pair of shoes... and you know what... its WHITE!! hehe

(Sepatu putihku)
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