Wednesday 9 November 2011

My 10 Minutes Bus Ride..

It has been 11 years, back then in Penang...since the last time I took the city bus...Don't get me wrong... this is CITY BUS... not the BALIK KAMPUNG BUS... itu last month pun I naik....hehehe.... Anyway since I xbrapa sihat today, I decided to balik awal from the Training I attended, and I xnak la ganggu driver I yg tgh pening nk siapkan project dia I decided to take the bus and the lrt back... (Kalau naik teksi balik umah mau 20 hinggit...Bus 1 hinggit + LRT 2 hinggit... Jimatt 17 hinggit...)

So as I walk out from the building (where I attended the training), I terus nampak a red bus tgh berhenti and dok picking up passenger by the roadside on the opposite side of the road... apa lagi copek2 den lintas jalan tu haaa... sambil dok try jenguk2 tgk signboard kat depan bus tu.. just to make sure that the bus is going to the LRT Station... (kang ado yang sampai nogori pulok...) and yes, mmg bus yg betul... cuma line org dok beratur punya lah panjang... beratur punya beratur punya beratur, this is what happen...

Me: "how much is the fair to LRT B?"

One of the Passenger: "RM1"

Me: "Thanks.." (sambil mengeluarkan note RM1 from my purse)

As I enter the bus, sambil tengok kat driver....

Me: "Nak masukkan duit kat sini ker?" (ada Slot machine for cash money)

Bus Driver: "Mana KAD"

Me: "KAD ape?? Saya takder KAD" (terus nampak kad merah yg semuaorg dok touch kat machine tu...)

Bus Driver: "Hahhh?? Tak de KAD?? Semuaorg kena ada KAD...."

Me: "So saya xboleh naik bas ker kalau xder KAD ni?" (sambil buat muka sedih plus I seriously dont know where to get the KAD

Bus Driver: "Hmmmm nak p mana?"

Me: " LRT B"

Bus Driver: "Hmmmm Xpa la...masuk2 cepat.."

YESSSSS!!!! Sib baek! Its either he is in a good mood or I'm quite Sweet that dia xsampai hati xbagi I naik... ~wink2~

Yenneway, the journey pun start la... dah la bus tu penuh... so I kena duduk kat depan sekali tepi pintu masuk....depan cermin bus tu...Teringatla kenangan2 sewaktu disekolah...kalau kena stayback or kena p sekolah awai sbb ada ko-ko...sure kena naik Public Bus... masa tu... ada ABANG KONDUKTOR.... ensem2 lak tu... siap leh tahu shift bas diaorg lagi....keh keh keh... gatainya I masa tu..Kalau dulu...naik bas, kita terus duduk mana kita nak dulu, then abg2 ensem ni akan dtg cari kita untuk mintak tambang bas and bagi tiket2 ni... (either punch guna puncher or koyak skit kalau dia malas.... to determine tiket tu dah guna...) 
(Source here) 
Once dpt tiket ni, xleh ilang kan...nnt tetiba ada Konduktor lain yg akan naik bas utk SPOT-CHECK tiket kita....sapa xdak tiket / salah harga tiket kena turun on da spot.... 

Then selang beberapa tahun, teknologi canggih skit...abg2 ensem I dah tak diperlukan lg.... sebab dah ada mesin coin and print tiket kat tempat DRIVER BAS...kalutlaaaa cari coinnnn kalau nk naik bas masa tu... hehehe..

And now...more canggih..they use this RED CARD...that means passenger don't have to carry money and don't have to take out their purse in public just to get the bus fares...
Ok back to my current scenario..., masa tu I'm still holding my RM1... masa naik bas tu the driver dok sibuk uruskan org lain... tp I know I still hv to pay nnt...sampai la nk dkt dgn LRT B... when the driver ask me... Yes in front of everyone AGAIN.... (p/s the bus was full semua org dok berdiri sampai ke pintu...)

Bus Driver: "Awak mmg xder KAD tu ker"

Me: "Sebenarnya saya tak pernah naik bas.." (malu2 arnab)

Bus Driver: "Abis lepas ni akan naik bas lagi tak??"

Me: "Tak kot... ni pun mmg terpaksa jer..." (malu2 kambing)

Bus Driver: "Hmmm xpe la bayar singgit... (RM1)"

So I gave the RM1 yang I dok pegang for the pass 10 minutes.... hehe...and I ask him pulak...

Me: "Kalau nk beli KAD tu kat mana ye?"

Kakak Passenger: "Kat dia la..." (sambil tunjuk kt driver tu...)

Me: "Laaaa ye ke..." (but I was confuse, he didn't ask me to buy the KAD at that time)

Bus Driver: "Lain kali kena bawak RM5 @ RM10... boleh beli Kad.. xder expiry date... boleh pakai bila2...boleh pakai utk LRT pun..."

Me: "Ni ada mesin Touch n Go ni...boleh guna gak ker?" (eh ehhhh kome dah salohhh nok buat ramah tamah pulak ekk...hehehehehe)

Bus Driver: "aaaaa boleh!!! Awak ada bawak Touch n Go ker?"

Me: "Hehe...xder la...tertinggal dalam kete..." (Ya Allah...sure menyampah gila penumpang2 lain tengok I masa tu...dari hutan mana la minah ni dtg...)

Moral of the Story: 
Berjinak2 lah dengan Mr & Mrs Newspapers.... sampai dah kena pakai KAD pun tak taw!!!! Maluuu sioooooot!!!

RapidKL perkenalkan tiket tanpa kertas esok
Oleh Siti Haliza Yusop

 MOHAMED Hazlan   bersama pemandu bas RapidKL,  M Periasamy menunjukkan  sistem tiket baru    di Pejabat RapidKL Subang, semalam.
MOHAMED Hazlan bersama pemandu bas RapidKL, M Periasamy 
menunjukkan sistem tiket baru di Pejabat RapidKL Subang, semalam.. (Read more)

You can also learn more if you visit the official MyRapid Website (here)


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