No wonder I asyik teringat kat Ms J..hehehe...she came to KL on my Birthday! and it was a surprise party... I was sooo touched! ok ok can't tell that story yet..... ada gambar yg I xdapat nk amik upload here.... (I lovee doing flashback anyway...hehe)
Therefore i shall talk about the day after my Birthday... ok straight foward...My house is like a Tongkang Pecah! hehe my Mommy love to use that word when my room is in such a mess..
And mmg dari awal Saturday plan is to CLEAN z'HOUSE.. I even told En Hulk not to make any plans on that day...and now baru i faham when he said,
En Hulk: "Ok, I'll get you a maid to help you on dat day..."
Me: "No...No... xpayah... i suka kemas sendiri...lecehla i nk kena arah org buat itu ini...baik i buat sendiri..."
At first I really tot he would hire a maid....rupa2 nya yang dimaksudkan maid was Ms J.... coz he already knew that she will be crashing over at my place..
A lil' intro about Ms J, a down to earth only child of a rich family in BM, who is a Cat Lover and addicted to karaoke as well as foodz.. The OCDs (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) inside her has turns her into a very well prepared and too organized lady..
Yenneway.. this was what the two Single Ladies did...
- Breakfast in bed...we had leftover KFCs & Cuppy Cake.. while playing Plant Vs Zombie 2 (pc game) and she got addicted to it... (Note for Ms J: Watch this, and download here)
- Then she wanted to copy my Movies & TV Series into her pendrive that was only 8GB.. hello... this is the queen of download babe... I have about 300GB la kot... mana la nk muat pendrive cinonitttt dia tu... sooo she had to screen through all the movies/tv series that she really wanted.. In the end she decided to copy the tv series jer... ok tv series jer aku ada 200GB... dah tu dia tak tau nak amik yg mana pulak coz x familiar with the titles... so I told her to watch the 1st episode of each series...then bru decide which to take... THERE GOES MY MAID!!!!!
- While she was enjoying her movies in bed....Sambil drinking her cold water using her FAV CUP... I was moving my bum bum around....cuci baju ( handwash & machine), lipat baju, cuci pinggan, kemas pinggan n cuci shower curtain....

(z'FAV CUP.. yes it comes with a build-in straw)
- Lunch in Bed at 3pm...I cooked Meggi Goreng Ayam (mamak style...sebab kering & ada egg).. and for the "Ayam" yes... what else...leftover KFC again...tinggal 3 ketul yg sgt besar...i just potong kecik2... saute balik dgn buttercup skit...and campur masa meggi dah siap....WAALAAA senangkan...
- My maid??? yes, she is still alive...and enjoying herself watching z'series....
- After lunch.... lepak jap...join maid tgk series... masa tu dia dah kind of decided what she likes..
And... DROP DEAD DIVA (We just love the confidence in her...)
Itupun... Drop Dead Diva cuma muat Season 1 jer dlm pendrive cinooonittt dia tu... the other 2 seasons... sorryla.. tak dapek den nk nolong...(pepandai la hang p download sendiri nnt noo...aku dh ajaq mcm mana kan...)
- At 6pm, masa I tgh keluarkn vacuum, my maid tetiba notify me that my house is sooooo SERABUT.. (Hello... what have I been doing since morning, my dear???) So she finally, offer herself to help me sort things out...
- We rearrange some furniture in the Living Room, dia buang habis brg2 nonsense that has been lying around for ages... she rearrange my kitchen's shelves...(oh by the way, dia ni anak didik Mr Monk)
U get what i mean, huh??hehe.. and yes Ms WAWS, that is an IKEA Bookshelf (Billy ape tah namenye..), Utensil Container... and Alas Shelf.. (incase u notice it.. hehe)
While Ms J is enjoying tossing all my stuff... as a complimentary from Chef Gebera herself... I cooked for her...(*~_~)
Ayam Masak Kicap Gebera Style
5 ketul Ayam (dipotong kecil - bhgian tulang lg best!)
1 biji Ubi Kentang (dibelah 8)
1 ulas bawang putih (diketuk)
1 inci halia (diketuk)
Kicap Pekat Jalen/Kicap Kipas Udang Manis
Garam & Gula secukupnya
Bahan Rempah..
Bunga Lawang
Bunga Cengkih
Kulit Kayu Manis
Cara Penyediaan..
- Masukkan semua bahan diatas (kecuali ubi) dan Air (bagi tenggelam ayam tu) ke dalam periuk...
- Reneh atas api perlahan sehingga mendidih about 10 minutes, nak bagi stok ayam tu keluar - naturally ;) hehe..
- Once dah mendidih, masukkan Ubi dan tambah air jika perlu...
- Reneh for about 10 minutes more (or sampai ubi tu empuk) and keep on adding air.
- Then put in Garam & Gula... and... WAALAA its ready!
I guna kicap pekat... tu yang gelap sikit kalernyer...(As always kepada sesiapa yg nak guna recipe I ni...pepandai la improvise mengikut tekak sendiri...)
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