Nothing much today... just some normal Saturday routine... wake-up..
- Put clothes in the washing machine..
- Check my Series Download...hehe wajib..
- Breakfast sambil tgk Series2 yang baru downloaded...
- Angkat baju yg dah kering.. and lipat clothes sambil tgk series lg...Ups and downs of being parents.. YES it is challenging.. and YES our parents are very strong!
- Sidai Baju yg baru basuh... (hehe xla sambil tgk series kan...kornik nya kalau sambil tgk gak...)
- Kemas dapur yg tah apa2 la bersepah2 tu...including washing the dishes..
- Cook Lunch...
- Do homework... I mean Office work at home.. (apa ingat org kerja xdak homework ka!!)
- Bila rasa ngantuk... Search for movies to download... ada la jumpa dalam 15 movies yg I tgh download skrg.. hehe.. will inform if its worth watching...
- Dinner..
- Blogging... & Net Surfing...
Anak Dinasour Goreng Bercili
Kurma Telur Pecah
Note: I xbrapa suka Telur Rebus... thats why I buat Telur Pecah..heee..
Ikan Masin Jeruk Goreng

Note: Sementara nk tunggu ikan ni digoreng... abis tisu sekotak sebab dok bersin..hehe..
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