Do not ask me how to pronounce it... coz I don't have any FISHking idea...Hehehe.. You may get the meaning when you search via Google Translate France - Eng ..
This is how it happen.. the moment I arrive to my office this morning, I have this strange feeling... deeeeeeep down inside me... the feel of heavy... down... weak... and hungry... although I did had my heavy breakfast...OATS... + Chicken Briyani for Lunch... but yet I'm still Hungry at 2.30pm...(oh nooo whats wrong with me!!!) discuss about a favor that she requires from me... she had to prepare a HANTARAN for her Bro iN LaW's betunang ceremony... So that's why we decided to meet in Masjid Survey some ideas...and to catch up after a year apart....( becinta laks...hehe)
So on that Saturday...we did as planned.. only that it was not enuff...that we decided to continue the discussion today...not so sure whether the Not Enuff part was meant for the Hantaran discussion or that We Missed Each Other... (*~_~)
Oh well.... OnLy wE KnoW WhAt wE FeeL....
hahahaha.... damn! aku suka tajuk entri ko kali ni. hahahaha..
ReplyDeleteHahaha.. kali ni mestila lain dari yg lain ;)