First of all I will be counting my 2012 countdown in my DEADLY sleep.. Hahaha..
Thanks to my 2 days and 1 night Division Teambuilding in FELDA Residence, Trolak.. (on 30th & 31st of December 2011..) One of the session was to build a "RAKIT" from scratch... the session is called Lake Water Rafting..
6 orang Ahli Kumpulan yang Gagah Perkasa..The Four n' Furious Group...(hehe)
4 biji Tong Air (yang sgt besar..)
4 batang Buluh Besar & Panjang
6 batang Buluh Kecil & Pendek
24 utas Tali Pendek (ikat Buluh ke Buluh)
8 utas Tali Panjang (ikat Buluh ke Tong)
Time to Complete: 30 minutes
Cara Membuatnya...
1. Lu pikirla sendiri...hehehehehe & WALAA...
(our RAKIT photo to be collected from our photographer)
But the worst part was... once the RAKIT is completed.. Our trainer asked us..
Trainer: "Do you trust your friends in building this RAKIT?"
All of us: "Yesssss..."
Trainer: "Are you Very Sure...n Confidence with the RAKIT??"
All of us: "Of Cozzzz.." (Since kitaorg dah beriya2 check sepuluh kali kekuatan setiap ikatan.. walaupun ramai2 yang ikat td..We even lift up our rakit..and siap goyang2.. All the Tong was very Firmed and Attached to the Buluh..)
Trainer: "Since you are very sure..and very confidence.. You will have to switch your RAKIT... you are not allowed to use the RAKIT u build...please select the other group's.."
All of us: "WHAT?????" (We thought when he was talking about trusting our group member...and since we did the double checking part...that's why we said...YES and Of Cozz... but when he said SWITCH with other group's... Oh man... we definitely don't trust other group!!!)
Trainer: "You are suppose to TRUST everyone in your Division..not only in your Unit.. and when you prepare something.. you must make sure its all your best so that if ever anyone have to take over your work, they are confidence and will not be wrong or they will not be embarrass.."
So we got Warrior One's RAKIT.. But by the time we got to the tebing of the Lake, one of the Tong's tali was already TERBUKA..
See how loose the ikatan was!!! and semua TONG cuma dililit 1 time je!! But our RAKIT, we lilit 2 times and lilit across the Big Buluh... so all of our team members was like "Oh Sugar Bunz!!!!! We definitely are goin to fall into the lake..." and since we don't have time to re-lilit the whole thing..we just kejapkan the ikatan jer...
"Redha jer lah.." So we just hop on the Unstable RAKIT..and off we when mendayung-ing across the 2 search for 3 Green Bottles...
With the Positive Aura, Great Team Spirit and Strong Confidence in each and one of us.. our group was the FIRST to arrive back at the starting tebing... but luckily for us.. as soon as our RAKIT stop and the 2 man who sat at the front jump out from the RAKIT, one of the TONG terbukak terus.. Hahahahaha...
However, all in was one GREAT TEAMBULDING!! We enjoyed ourself and the BEST PART of all, we get to eat many many many DURIANS and RAMBUTANS....hehehe...
So that is one of the reason why I choose to be SLEEPING DEADLY on my New Year's Eve..but it was EXTREMELY Wonderful to end my 2011 Year Book!

Ok Bye Bye 2011...Hello 2012... Have a Blast Celebration & Party-ation, Everybody...Nitey Nite... ZzZzz
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