I've been busy planning and designing for my new house interior.. since most of it is settled.. now dah slowly kena start planning for the exterior pulak...the gardens...
Btw, My hows has 3 parts of tanah...
Since the Tanah Besar is really HUGE.. sampai my frenz ckp boleh main futsal... hehe (masa beli sronok..masa nk plan dah pening)... So I've decided to do parts by parts... But for Tanah Besar, the progress will be spraying Racun Lalang and gemburing the tanah for the next 2 months... (definitely gonna be kosong n purely virgin... hehe)
Ok now kena start kaji on what Plant to tanam.. and the most important is how to keep them ALIVE!!!!
Btw, My hows has 3 parts of tanah...
- Tanah Besar (beside Master Bedroom)
- Tanah Kecik (infront of Living Room)
- Tanah Lorong (a very small tanah area infront of 2 rooms)
Since the Tanah Besar is really HUGE.. sampai my frenz ckp boleh main futsal... hehe (masa beli sronok..masa nk plan dah pening)... So I've decided to do parts by parts... But for Tanah Besar, the progress will be spraying Racun Lalang and gemburing the tanah for the next 2 months... (definitely gonna be kosong n purely virgin... hehe)
Tanah Besar |
Tanah Kecik |
So this the the tanah I want to focus first...phewwh byk benda yg nak dikerjakan kt tanam ni....
- Kena bersihkan / buang sisa2 batu and other donation things that people have been putting in my lawn...
- Kena gemburkan tanah..or maybe kena buang 1/2 inch oh the tanah...
- Buy pasir halus and tabur on top..
- Spraykan racun benih bercambah & racun lalang (so that no other alien plants will get a chance to grow in between...)
- Let it rest for 2 weeks (hoping the street cats wont Poo Poo on my clean NEW SAND....)
- Choose a grass and start to paste on the NEW SAND...
After browsing the net, I think I've made up my mind on the type of grass... I'm choosing PEARL GRASS..
I've also found this useful blogs on:
As for the Tanah Lorong pulak...since its very small, boleh la I kerjakan jugak.. I'm planning to plants Heliconia..and just tabur White Stones on it..so that no rumput will grow on it.. and so that my pagar will not be easily bengkok too...
- No need to cut as it will not grow long..
- Very Lebar and GREENY...Looks refreshing..
- Don't need direct sun light..

- Very manja and need extra caring... (baja & water)
I've also found this useful blogs on:
Tanah Lorong |

Looks simple but there are many many many steps.... Will update the garden once its ready...(probably in the next few months..)
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