6 + 6 = 12, such a "Touch" thing to say... too much series Ms Gebera... heeee....
(actually it means 06.06.12)
(actually it means 06.06.12)
7.30am sharp I dah terpacak depan TOWER 1, KLCC... So I went straight to the receptionist... I inform her that I have an interview at 8am at level 37...and then she said...
"kita cuma boleh lepaskan naik selepas pukul 7.45pg"
Waduhhhh patahhhhhh semangat ku seminit....hehehe... so tercegat la lagi i kt lobby tu... then after 7.45am, I went up to level 37 and wait right in front of room 3712... Well my interview session starts at 9am.. before that the HR assistant had handed me my Case Study Paper for me to prepare myself..
There were 3 sessions in the interview:
1st Session (Ice Breaking)
* Introduce yourself
* About your current job
* Strength
* Weakness
* Best Achievements
* Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years
2nd Session (Case Study)
Topic: Consumer Dissatisfaction
* Summarize the Case Study
* Your Opinion about the problem
* Short & long term solution
p/s: the interviewer will never stop arguing with you..just to see how you react...
3rd Session (Competency Behavioral)
Kena crita actual experience
* A situation when you have to solve a problem
* A situation when you have to encounter doing something that is not from your area...or meaning to say.. zero knowledge..
* as I was explaining question no 2, I knind of already cover answer for Q3... so i have no idea what is question no.3... :)
After 2 hours of explaining, convincing and promoting myself to the lovely interviewers, my interview finally comes to its ends... before i leave the room, one of the interviewer said to me...
"So after this when they call you, you should get your medical checkup and everything ready..."
Will I make it...?

Walau apa pun yang terjadi.. inilah pengalaman yang paling berHARGA pernah I lalui... to be called by PETRONAS for the 2nd time - to attend their STRUCTURED INTERVIEW...Syukur Alhamdulillah...
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