Although u always like to bug or stress me with your never ending problems... but that is wat LIL SIS are for... especially the time when your WALL-E (keta kancil yg semua parts dah nk tertanggal...) rosak and mati enjin kat tgh jalan.. the moment you called me for help...I feel sooo touch.. baru sedar yang I ada a lil sis and I have responsibility...although I was at work a that time...I know I have to be there for u...
Haha...suddenly I teringat...our school time... when you were in primary and I was already in secondary... (luckly Mommy sent us to Convent, coz both school shares the same compound...) you are the only lil sis yang bukan saja BUG ME..but all my frens... haha..ya but all of them treat you like their sis too..
Plus having you here staying with me this year really change the environment... feel like those day when we use to share our rooms together.. playing, fighting, sharing problems... stories... you are the ONLY ONE I can talk to and would want to listen to me...(kdg2 nampak mcm u tak dgr or don't care but I know u really care..) We even have our talking codes.. remember??haha.. Masa tu kita punya la rapat.. sampai bole ckp sambil tutup mulut... "HMM...HMM...HMM..HMMMM.." pun both of us understand...hahahaha.. There are Millions of Memories between both of us.. I feel like laughing just thinking of it... I really really really miss our childhood life...
Thanks Lil Sis you really help me alot.. not physically but emosionally... (oh man.. now I feel like crying.. haha such a Mommy thing to do).. You are the BEST SIS... Never ever want to lose you...
Anyway... Enjoy the Day.. (be prepared for the N celup Tepung) and Have Fun... You deserve it..

alaaaaaa tomey sket si kakak...nk jd adik hg jugak laaaaaaa..pelissss