Monday, 27 February 2012

OuR PeNaNG GaTeAwaY - Day 2-

DAY 2 : 26 February 2012 

After a great day yesterday..we started our Day 2 with a marvelous breakfast the Penang Style... di celah2 lorong with roti banjir and also the BEST roti bakar disimbah telur separuh masak ... where??? hehe... TRANSFER ROAD!!! opposite the Kilang Roti Mamak...

No words can describe...  layan...

Roti Bakar disimbah Telur 1/2 Masak..

Roti Banjir..

Our Morning Feast..

Then off to our next stop.. Bukit Bendera.. I manage to capture a few pics on our way there..

The Kek Lok Shi Temple..

Another Great Roundabout..

Finally we arrive at Bukit Bendera or Penang Hill.. and we just got to know that there is a new train now.. (although it has been a year since they changed the train..nampak sgt xpenah jenguk tempat ni..hehe) kind of like the LRT in KL.. just 10 mins you are already up there... The ticket price is RM8 per person and don't forget to show your IC

Up Up & Away...

Old Vs New..


Finally we arrived..

Random Flower..


Great View.. Can You See KOMTAR?

Look at what I got for myself up on Penang Hill.. a very Creative Henna Design that cost just RM15..

by The MOST Talented Henna Designer in Penang..

Our next stop is to the WAR MUSEUM...  Its in Batu Maung.. was a cool place.. The tour ticket is RM20 per person.. also they need to see your IC.. (sorry my camera bateri was gone by I was unable to capture the wonderful moments..but i manage to google some pics of the museum.. you may visit the source pic to get more info about the museum.. a MUST VISIT PLACE!!!)

Source here

I even went into this.. YES ME... we had to crawl inside this tunnel..and its a one way turning back.. hehe I can't remember the last time I had to crawl.. (I even ask our tour guide..what if i get stuck in this..hehehe he just laugh and said no u won' him..)
Source here

Our last STOP.. Laksa Balik Pulau.. (Harga untuk Laksa Special is RM4 & Laksa Biasa is Rm3.50) Uuhhh I'll be missing Penang's Greatest Food....
Laksa Balik Pulau..

That is the end of our Wonderful Trip.. My deepest and warmest THANKS to Ms Zy, Ms J and my darling En Hulk for making this short trip a Memorable one..

Sunday, 26 February 2012

OuR PeNaNG GaTeAwaY - Day 1-

DAY 1 : 25 February 2012

This trip has been well-planned by our fren, Ms Zy.. a lil intro about Ms Zy, She is Ms J's Office mate from KL who loves to Cook, Travel and EAT.. she can finish a full-plate of Nasi Kandaq in da morning..but you'll be surprise when u see her FIT Body.. hehe.. all in all..she is such a Cool and Great Buddy to hang around with... 

Ok back to our trip... a KL Gurl, planning a Penang Trip for the Penang Gurls...surprising right!! hahahahaha...

Ok since we were staying in Batu Feringghi, we started our trip towards Teluk Bahang first... where we had our mamak stall breakfast...


Then off to our first sight seeing stop... Taman Negara Pulau Pinang...

The TNPP Entrance..
The TNPP Map.. (but we only make it to the first Bridge at Point A)
Look at our attire.. haha.. so not prepare for the Taman Negara Walk..
The Peace Tree.. The branch looks exactly like PEACE..
Here is where we heard the ANJING LAUT barking from the Sea..haha..
I have no idea what type of fruit this is..kind of like a Rambutan..
Someone did enjoyed himself...tekenang zaman memuda dulu..

Next stop Teluk Bahang Dam...    

Presenting..My Model...Sarip Dol..

Our next stop Tropical Spice Garden... personally I feel that this garden is suitable for photo sessions... like Bridal Shots..FYI there is a fee to enter this beautiful Garden... RM14 if I'm not mistaken..
The TSG Map..
The TSG View..
Random Flowers at TSG

Detour to Batu Feringghi Beach..

The Beauty of Pokok Rhu..
En Hulk tied this for me.. so that I senang nk lap peluh..hehe
Baywatch???? Miami???   in Penang!!!
So continuing our stop Fort Cornwallis... 

The FC Entrance..

Sir Francis Llight..
BRYLCREAM since those days...

One of the OLDEST & BIGGEST Meriam...

Next Food stop.. Lebuh Keng Kwee for its Famous Chendol...


Seriously Must TRY this.. Yummy...

The End of Day 1... 


Thursday, 23 February 2012

Trip 2 ThE FieLD..

Yesterday's Flashback: It was a tired working day...  because I had to finished all my today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow's work.. coz I'll be on 2 days leave starting tomorrow.. and I was being extra kalut to finished my work by 6pm coz I'll be going on a trip this evening... A TRiP to The FieLD...wuuuhuu...

Where to?? Stadium Bukit Jalil...

Tujuan??? Tadaaaa...


Terkenang pulak masa 1st time I visit a Stadium.. hehe (Kedah Lwn Perak)


Yes so today will be my 2nd visit...but this time I mmg betul2 enjoy coz kitaorg pilih seat DEPAN skali..heee mmg rasa mcm duduk kat sebelah player and dapat amik gambar2 yg best!!! 

Jom layan gambar2 taken by the beginner photographer.. (*~_~) 

Barisan Pemain Malaysia & Japan..


Goally...Khairul Fahmi & Pinky-san..
(gambar KF tu gelap sikit sbb salah setting camera)


Malaysia's Loyal Supporter...


Can you see the Malaysian Flag... 

As part of the supporters, look what me & En Hulk bought.. We had fun playing this yellow thingy...hehe.. (tula masa kecik2 dulu xpuas main)..

The Score Board... Japan won.. 


But all in was a great FIELD TRIP!!! We enjoyed spending time together, traveling via public transport (Lrt Putra & STAR..yes just for the game.. hehe), watching the players up close, watching the supporters...and the best part is that we get to feel the REAL HEAT of HARIMAU MALAYA in da stadium... Our SEMANGAT is really3x STRONG!!! especially with the drum and the cheering... 



p/s: Many Thanks to my SisTa's Frenz for buying the tickets for us...