Tuesday 18 October 2011


After a looooong break of 10days.... siap balik Penang lagi attend one of my best fren's wedding...  Finally my S&P is ready!!!! Tapi semestinya ada la CEREKARAMA sikit disebaliknya... 

Oh well, it started this afternoon when Mr Agent  called me to inform that the S&P is now PENDING for me to signed... I was like..."wat?? really? ooo ok... if thats the case, I will check with my lawyer..."  then I immediately call Ms Lawyer to check with her... she told me that everything is done, except for the final confirmation of the balance payment of 7% deposit... as per amended by Ms Owner's Lawyer, it was stated that

"Ringgit Malaysia ********** (RM**,***-00) only shall be paid to the Vendor within 2 weeks from the date of this Agreement"

Whereas I have included in my deposit receipt, a Special Condition, that i will be paying the remaining 7% using my EPF withdrawal... so how can i pay them in 2 weeks time right after I signed the S&P???? Once I have signed the S&P, Ms Lawyer will have to pass it to the other lawyer to get Mrs Owner to sign the S&P then collect it back send for stamp duty... then only it is ready for collection...then only I can submit to the Bank and apply for the loan pulak...then brapa lama pulak for the loan to approved...once approved...baru boleh apply for the EPF withdrawal... which will take approximately 2 weeks....there goes my 2 weeks then...

Therefore i told Ms Lawyer that I'm not going to agree to a promised that i know I definitely can't fulfill... So i ask her to change it to....

"the balance deposit to be paid within 2 weeks after the approval of the loan."

And this is the reply that we got from Ms Owner's Lawyer

Dear Ms Lawyer,

Please be informed that our client is not agreeable to your client's proposal to pay the balance deposit within 2 weeks after the approval of the loan.

Please be informed that our client is giving 1 month from the date of the SPA for your client to pay the balance deposit.

Thank you..
Ms Owner's Lawyer

So I agree.. at least they gave me some extra time... kalau ikut the actual rule is to pay upon signing S&P... so 1 month tu kira ok la...I will try my very best to push the loan processing people....hehe (nak kena p antaq nasi kandaq nih!!!)

Since I am quite busy this week, Ms Lawyer  will be arranging for a messenger to come over to my office within this few days for me to sign all the documents...
And I also have to ask Mr H (Loan Processor) to start collecting my documents for the loan application...

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