Monday, 17 October 2011

Especially For You...

The Wishes:
You're not getting older, you're getting better...  
To the world, you may be one person. But to me, you are the world.... 
May this year bring with it all the success and fulfillment your heart desires...

"Whatever with the past has gone, The best is always yet to come." - Lucy Larcom
(Source Picture here)
The Special Present: 
Carolina Herrera - 212 Sexy Man
The Romantic Dinner: 
Blackpepper Chicken at Azeezah Al-Ansar Steak House
(Address: Jalan AU 2a/1, Kuala Lumpur)

The Great Movie: 
TGV Wangsa Walk - Real Steel
(which made my tears fall...and yes it is an action movie by the way..)


  1. feeeewwwiiittttttttttttt...mana nama besday boy tu??? takdak ponnn

  2. Muahaha.... nama dia.. Mr Burfday Boy... -WiNk2-
