First of all.. Cuba teka apa ni...
Family update:
Tengok la apa my beloved SIL (Sis In Law) usung dari Dubai ke Malaysia... Her Wish Came True...

My lil Nephew laks dah terjebak dalam Alam Cyber Family... tengok la gila kuasa tul... semua dia nk pegang...

En Hulk's update:
Alhamdulillah.. result Medic Checkup dah keluar.. Everything was clear.. Doc said, "Very Good and I know you have been doing exercise.." cuma... he's Cholesterol was a lil bit high.. doc,"You fogging ka??" I was like, "What?? why is this doc asking about fogging now? ada suspect Denggi pulak ka??" rupa2nya dia tanya En Hulk smoke ka tak..hehehe cute Senior Doc... anyway doc advice him to control and ask him to go on a 6 month strict diet plan.. (tapi aku tgk dia main belasah jer..)
Oh so did you manage to guess what the NIKE symbol was...
Its En Hulk's new cap...

My Update:
Currently am very busy with 3 Major Project...
** Presentation slide for my beloved Mommy... (Status Done)

**Hantaran project for my Fren... (Status in Progress..)

** Designing Company Profile for my Elder Bro.. (Status belum start..hehe)
Note: I have to start charging this people.. hehehe (talent = side income la katakan...)
-That's all folks-
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