Friday, 9 September 2011

SeaL 'z DeaL

Date: 26 Aug 2011

Ok after a Long Long Long thought about the house.... and after confronting Many Many Many people (family and friends) i have made up my mind....


So, i've meet up with the agent to seal the deal... before Mr Owner change his mind and mark up the me and En Hulk (bukan nama sebenar) meet up with Mr Agent at Burger King MRR2, at 9pm paid RM1k... Masa on da way nak p bayar tu... Allah jer la yang tahu betapa sejuknya tangan i ni... macam la nk p bayar berjuta2...hehe.. 

Tp petang sebelum tu dah ada story mory the morning glory... actually i yg patut bayar the deposit.. im suppose to get my money by ada la masa-elah yang xdapat dielak-kan... so En Hulk pun dengan rela hati-nya meng-offer-kan diri untuk membayar duit muka...(wahhh syahduu-nya rasa..) Yes at least nampak like he make the first step right... ini la dikatakan ketentuan ditangan tuhan... ada hikmah disebalik sesuatu yg berlaku... n this is the main reason why i didn't got my money... oh well so the deal has been sealed!!

N now i can go back to Penang to celebrate Hari Raya peacefully.... 

But on the raya eve, Mr Agent told me that Mr Owner will wait till i pay the full amount of 3% (deposit) then only will he signed the deposit receipt. Oh well, as long as u don't mark-up the price, it's fine with me... RAYA MOOD ON!!

Date: 07 Sept 2011

Discuss with one of my colleague, Mr H about choosing Bank's Panel Lawyer. I thought of appointing the same lawyer to do my S&P as well as to deal with the Bank. That's y I need a list of Bank's Panel Lawyer.. Luckily he has a fren who is also one of the Bank's Panel Lawyer. So i explain to Mr H about my plan and financial issues... meaning my planning on paying n etc.. so he said don't worry, he will meet his fren first and will inform me soon.. he even said that he could ask for a discount with this lawyer....YEAY!!. Fuhh 1 part settled!

Meet up with Mr Agent again at Burger King (mesti mamat2 kat burget king ni dah kenal kitaorg..hehe... tp kitaorg beli air k bukan duduk saja)  at 10pm to pay remaining balance from the 3% amounting of RM6,500 (bankers' cheque). I also add in a special condition saying that the remaining 7% will be paid using my EPF withdrawal upon signing of S&P as well as Approval of Loan.

Date: 09 Sept 2011

Mr Agent called to informed that Mr Owner have signed the deposit receipt. Meaning that he has agreed with the amount of RM250k.

Alhamdulillah...that is such a GREAT NEWS!!!

1) To get a valuer 
       (with cheaper rate - p/s: we can bargain)
2) To meet up/call with the lawyer (Mr H's fren)

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