Since I receive THE call from CAPITOL CITIZEN, my heart can't stop pumping extremely... (kalau stop pumping, lain pulak maksudnya ekk...hehe) On top of that, I've been having this strong headache... probably due to the worried feeling about the medical result.. So En Hulk insist that I drink this NATURAL DRINK to ease the headache (caused by Blood Pressure...)

On Monday morning, as early as 7.30am, En Hulk drive me to Pusrawi for my Medical Checkup... But the clinic starts at 8.00am... So we were kind of early.. If I pass this checkup, I will be able to collect my Offer Letter...

From Urine Test to Blood Test to Audio Test to X-Ray, well the whole checkup process went on SMOOTHLY and ended at 11.50am.. I then meet with the Doctor at 1.00pm and to my surprise the Doc was also from Penang... hehe what a small world.. Ok about my result...So he was a little worried about my blood pressure and cholesterol.. Both nearing border.. He advice me to reduce my weight... (Insya Allah, will definitely do it Doc!)
But all in all.. He rated me as "FIT TO WORK!!!!"
Double YEY!!!!

Got my medical result and off to have lunch.. After lunch, I went home to change my clothes before heading to TOWER 1 to collect my Offer Letter.. but something unexpected happen after that...
En Hulk was waiting for me at my condo's parking.. he switched off the engine and went out to "puff some oxygen of his" and when I came down all dress up, ready to go... our dearly beloved Gen2 was not ready.. The car couldn't start... By the way, we just changed the battery recently...
En Hulk tried many times but it was still the same... so he had no choice but to take his motorbike and get the mechanic here... As I was waiting patiently (actually trying to cool myself down), at the same time thinking what will be my second choice... oh ya the LRT PUTRA... but suddenly I heard THUNDER... "Oh God...please don't rain..."
10 minutes later, En Hulk came back with the mechanic, after he tested a few things, we got to know that there is a problem with the fius box... It will take an hour plus to fixed it as they need to order a new set... I look at En Hulk and he looked at the same time the thunder above us was getting louder...we both look up...
So he said.."I'm sorry but I think you need to take the train... no worries I'll take you there"..
"Boss, pinjam helmet saya mau bawak dia p lrt nnt saya datang.." he told the mechanic...
Apa tunggu lagi..hujan tu takkan tunggu kita... I hop on his bike.. kepitkan X-ray Envelope yg besaq gila tu kt ketiak I... and VROOOMM... tp as soon as we went out from the parking lot.. it starts drizzling.. By the time I got to the LRT Station, I quickly ran under the taxi stand to check the envelope.. there were several drops of rain on the bila I check inside it was still dry... PHEEWHH..
So I ran upstairs to buy the ticket and quickly hop into the first LRT that arrives... mmg masa tu it was raining cats and dogs...(I wonder why they call it cats & dogs.. hmm..) but I was SMILING inside the LRT...knowing that my Medical Report is save.. Only that at the same time, everyone was looking at me..(waduhhh malu gak la...masa tu..but at that point of time... I was like.. WHO CARES!!)
Alhamdulillah I arrive at Tower 1, 20 minutes later... and got this small but really PRECIOUS envelope....

Seriously it was a Dugaan yg Alhamdulillah dapat di hadapi... We have to always remember this... problems or dugaan is NOT a stop... its just a SMALL TEST that GOD knows you can handle it... Just go through it... I can't explain the feeling after you overcomes it... You just have to try it yourself... (*~_~)
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