My 2nd PROJECT in 2013 was a Hantaran for my Sis in Law's Sister's Engagement.... to make it different this time... they chose PINK (utk brg lelaki).....With the help of my Lil Brother.... we manage to finished and delivered it to Sabak Bernam...Hope it still looks manly.... (*~_~)
Tepak Sireh |
Kain Baju Melayu & Butang Baju Melayu |
Songkok & Tasbih |
Pot Pouri |
Chocolates |
Cup Cakes |
Fruits |
Full Set |
Again we manage to nail it..... our client loves it so much that they wanted us to do for their Nikah Hantaran that will be held in February 2014..... In Sha Allah.....