Today is the only time I am able to do my grocery shopping... so pagi2 buta lagi 3 beradik ni pun keluar la menyoppingkan diri... n my Sis suddenly came out with an idea to cook LASAGNA... (hmmm... I can't even remember the last time I cooked/eat lasagna.. lama sungguh tu.. Our family ni pelik skit...since we know how to cook lasagna...we stop eating the restaurant's one.. nge-ngader kannn...hehe)
So we bought all the ingredients... and yes my beloved Sis la yg belanja..hehe.. TQ SISTA! and we went straight home...
Our Breakfast.. |
Sesampainya dirumah... I immediately segregate the works of mengupas and memotong to my Sis and lil Bro..I pulak terus masak breakfast... Roti Canai Segera with leftover Sardin Curry...
After eating breakfast and all ingredient is ready.. then its Cooking Time...heeee...
The Diced Vege... (sekecil mungkin) |
The Diced Chicken Meat.. |
Basically all you need is Red Sauce, White Sauce, Lasagna Sheets and CHEESE... (Mr.Mozarella)
Tumis Bawang Besar >> masukkan Ayam, Mixed Herbs and diced vegetables...such as Carrot, Celery & Frest Tomato >> masukkan Tomato & Cili well as Garam & Gula.. (good luck in balancing the flavour..) SIAP!
Cairkan sedikit Butter & masukkan Tepung Gandum, don't stop stirring untill it become a paste... not too pekat n not too cair.. (as per pic below) >> Then add in Fresh Milk and whisk it non-stop untill it thicken.. (the quantity is depending on how much you want the la susah kalau cucu ikut cara maktok..bila tanya ja..."laaa buboh saja...agak2 lah....") >> Bila sauce dah agak2 thicken skit...put in a lil bit of CHEESE...and continue whisking...
Both Red & White Sauce a bit watery.. so that it will cook the Sheets after layering... The other main ingredient I forgot to mention is to slice Button will be arranged in between the layers later...
Next is the most exciting part...
First is to prepare the Work Station...
Our Work Station.. |
Then the fun part starts...
- Red Sauce (RS)
- White Sauce (WS)
- Lasagna Sheet (LS)
- Mushroom & Cheese (MC)
RS >> LS >> WS >> MC (a lil) >>LS >> RS >> WS >> MC (alot)
(for topping... u can also sprinkle some parsley & drizzle some olive oil)
Then you cooked on a High Heat Oven...approx. 200degrees.. if you notice that the topping is golden brown but the Sheets is not that soft yet... take out and cover with Aluminium Foil and continue baking until Sheets is soft & cooked..
and WALAA... Its ready to eat..
Oh by the way, the lasagna was our late lunch...and as for our dinner, we just made something simple...
Burbbbb!!! Alhamdulillah.... (*~_~)