Saturday 1 February 2014

ChEf HuLk iN Da HoUSeEe...

What a great holiday to spent together... at first we wanted to go somewhere... but since this is along CNY come Hari Wilayah holiday..we decided to spent our holiday at our most favourite hotel.... Home Sweet Home... 

We went to pasar pagi... bought some catfish, chicken,  vegetables and mutton.. we cook together.. Had lunch and watch 2 movies...

Source Picture Here
To me.. its a normal funny movie..but not really the type of movie I would watch...However, our 2nd movie....

Source Picture Here

This movie is a good one for today...worth watching.... full of action and great new technology... I like the machine that can cure you although your face has been blown up..hahaha..but I dont really like the last part...its too easy to fight with the bad guy and the ending was sad...hmmm

Ok enuff about movies...lets talk about mr Hulk's first trial of Kurma Kambing. ..heeeee 

Kurma Kambing Mr Hulk Style

Bahan Tumis
Minyak sapi
Bunga lawang
Buah pelaga
Bunga Cengkih
Kayu manis
1 batang Serai (dititik)

Bahan Blend
4 ulas bawang besar
3 ulas bawang putih
1 inci halia
sikit lengkuas
2 biji buah keras (lagi byk lagi lemak)

Bahan Rempah
4 sudu besar rempah kurma (bukit)
1 sudu besar rempah kari daging BABAS (bukit)

Bahan2 Lain
1 kg daging kambing (local.. baru lembut)
4 biji ubi kentang
2 biji cili hijau
2 ulas bawang besar (belah 4 tp xputus)
2 biji Tomato
Asam keping
3 sudu besar Yogurt
1/2 cawan Santan
Daun ketumbar / daun sup (hiris)
Garam dan gula

Cara Penyediaan
1. Perap daging dengan half of the rempah kurma dan kari selama 1-2 jam
2. Tumis bahan tumis sampai naik bau.
3. Masukkan bahan blend dan kacau sampai layu
4. Masuk the other half of the rempah kurma dan kari (tmbh minyak sapi jika perlu)
5. Once rempah dh pecah minyak, masukkan daging, ubi...masak sampai daging empuk.
    keep on stirring and tmbh air skit2 jika perlu.

6. Once daging dh empuk n nmpk separated from the tulang...masukkan cili hijau,    
bawang besar, yogurt n santan.
Masukkan asam keping kalau xcukup masam)

7. Tambah daun ketumbar, gajus, garam dan gula.. and its done....WALLA...

Sayang...although it was ur first trial... I cant wait for the 2nd...3rd...4th....n other trial... its sooooooooo nice....u can eat with just anything. .. even the gravy itself is nice...not too plain...not too hot...just nice... thanks Sweetheart... 

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Triple One Four..

Why do we get a Public Holiday on 1st of Jan every year.... its a day to finalize and CLOSE your 2013 book.. and OPEN a new book... with 365 pages to be filled in... Lets fill in with adventures...and memorable stories.. so that one day we could look back at these books and be proud of it..... :D

Lets choose our creative book....

Source here
Some of my New Year Resolution are as follows:

- To maintain a Healthy Life
- To achieve Work Satisfactory
- To lose Weight
- To read Books
- To be closer to Families

Cukup la banyak tu... kang banyak2...tak tercapai pulok.. hehe.. 

On new year I've cook my Granny Best chicken dish....yummy....

Ayam Masak Jintan Gebera Style

Bawang Besar (potong dadu)
Bawang Putih (hiris halus)
Halia (diketuk)
Kicap Pekat (kalau xde kicap manis pun boleh)
Garam secukupnya
Air sedikit

Bahan ditumbuk / dikisar kasar
Jintan Manis (*2 sudu besar - sukatan membukit)
Jintan Putih (*1 sudu besar - sukatan membukit)
Lada Hitam (ikut selera)
*ratio jintan jika perlu tambah adalah Jintan Manis : Jintan Putih (2:1 sudu OR 4:2 sudu)

Cara Penyediaan
1. Perap Ayam, bahan kisar, halia n garam selama 1 jam atau lebih

-Ayam Perapan-

2. Tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih sehingga layu
3. Masukkan ayam yg diperap tadi kedalam kuali, kicap pekat dan air sedikit.
    (Jgn byk air sebab nnt air ayam akan keluar)
    Masak ayam sampai lembut dan berminyak.
    Tambah lada hitam dan garam jika perlu.


-Ayam Jintan Gebera Style-

P/s: Ayamku nmpk pucat sket.... sbb xder kicap pekat ;D

Wednesday 25 December 2013

PiNk iS aLWaYs ThE TrEnD

My 2nd PROJECT in 2013 was a Hantaran for my Sis in Law's Sister's Engagement.... to make it different this time... they chose PINK (utk brg lelaki).....With the help of my Lil Brother.... we manage to finished and delivered it to Sabak Bernam...Hope it still looks manly.... (*~_~)

Tepak Sireh

Kain Baju Melayu & Butang Baju Melayu

Songkok &  Tasbih

Pot Pouri


Cup Cakes


Full Set

Again we manage to nail it..... our client loves it so much that they wanted us to do for their Nikah Hantaran that will be held in February 2014..... In Sha Allah.....


Thursday 17 October 2013

Pre - LuNe De MieL

Its a French word.. check it up in Google Translate...

It was a last minute plan... We didn't know where to go. As I was browsing, I found  this place called Anjungan Beach Resort & Spa Pangkor and the rate was reasonable. Immediately told Mr Hulk and he said... "JOMMM"..... Two hours later we are on PLUS Highway, heading to Lumut... Pangkor here we come.....

The 3 days 2 nights trip was worth it.... we were so relax... and we enjoyed ourselves...

Anjungan Beach Resort & Spa Pangkor

Reminder: Please obey to we don't want anything to ruin our Lune de miel....(*~_~)
Beware of Monkey

The Island hoping trip was a great adventure... riding on a speedboat... but it was too bouncy that we had to request for a more stable boat... due to my back problem...
Island Hopping

We were left at this xx island... hehehe tak ingat nama island... for snorkeling. The boat guy gave us a bag of bread for the fish and told us to call him back once we are finished. In other words you can snorkel all day you want...  I had fun feeding the fishes ... Mr Hulk busy rescue-ing people who don't know how to swim...  typical super hero activities....hehehe

At night we had Candle Light Dinner at Daddy's Cafe... no no's not my dad's cafe....heee... it's a cozy western restaurant...on the beach... you can feel the wind blowing on your face...and the soothing sounds of waves crashing on the makes everything PERFECT!!
Candle Light Dinner - Daddy's Cafe

However, our superhero decided to have Crab Curry with rice.... so much for a western restaurant...hehe penat menyelamatkan org... he needs rice... there were 2 crabs cut into half in that small claypot... jenuh jugak nak menghabiskannya... hehe.. me...oh as usual.. I had Mushroom soup and Fish & Chips....yums....
Pangkor Dinner

After checked-out from the lovely hotel.... we bought some ikan masin... and ikan bilis for families...and bye bye Pangkor.. till we meet again..... muacks...

Saturday 12 October 2013

WhEn SaKSi SaiD SaH...

Alhamdulillah..... everything went well as planned.... we are now... Mr & Mrs Hulk (*~_~) 

~Pusat Komuniti Lembah Pantai KL~


~Hantaran for the Groom~

~Hantaran for the Bride~


~Wedding Cake~


~Guest Signing, Gift and Doa Recite~

Tuesday 13 August 2013


My 2013 Project in June....a Hantaran set for the Twins.... not that they are marrying with each other... one of the Twins... is getting engaged....He choose Purple as his theme... 
Tepak Sireh

Bekas Cincin & Bekas Bunga Rampai

Manisan - Biskut chocolate

Buah Buahan

Full Set (The 5th dulang is for the cake that they ordered)

Many Thanks to my 2 workers... who help me to hiris the bunga rampai... (sorang hiris nipis gila...sorang hiris tebai pulak...bantaiiii la...) 
Kena byq triple pay ka sebab kerja tgh malam....whoopss....

I'm so glad his family love the hantaran..... Alhamdulillah.....

Thursday 1 August 2013

The One Hundred Post...

Not much post in 2013....but very much things has happen indeed.... this is the most memorable year ever.. I got Dengue in March, I was sick and warded with slip disc in July, I'm gonna get married in October and move into my new house by end of the year (finally). Basically I've utilized all my 2013 leave entitlement except maternity leave... heeeee....

But my new employer has been very very understanding and supportive...When I was sick... even my Senior Mgr sms me and said "Don't worry about the office and have a good rest" Ada hikmahnya dapat kerja baru...I was also been able to be referred to Gleneagle for my un-aspect-ed illness..

and recently I'm super busy.... with lots of preparation that needs to be done...... of coz for my Big Day... Very soon I'm gonna be Mrs Hulk... Dengan izi Allah s.w.t., semoga segalanya berjalan dengan lancar... Amin... 

Source here

Things we need to take note once married (Source here) :

Tanggungjawab suami  (Hak Isteri)
  1. Memberi nafkah zahir dan batin
  2. Membayar mas kahwin kepada isteri
  3. Memberi layanan yang baik
  4. Menjaga maruah isteri
  5. Memberi didikan agama
  6. Memberi bimbingan dan tunjuk ajar
  7. Menjaga dari sebarang ancaman
  8. Adil terhadap semua isteri

Tanggungjawab isteri terhadap suami (Hak Suami)
  1. Taat dan hormat kepada suami
  2. Menjaga maruah suami
  3. Memberi layanan yang baik
  4. Memuaskan hati suami  dan menyenangkan pada bila-bila masa
  5. Menjaga dan membelanjakan harta suami dengan sebaiknya
  6. Tidak keluar rumah tanpa izin
  7. Tidak mendedahkan kelemahan suami

Tanggungjawab bersama
  1. Mengekalkan kerukunan rumahtangga
  2. Memelihara dan menjaga anak-anak
  3. Memberi pendidikan yang sempurna
  4. Memberikan layanan yang saksama kepada keluarga kedua-dua belah pihak
  5. Menyediakan rawatan dan perubatan
  6. Menjamin keselamatan